by lftcrtv | Nov 18, 2016
Total revenue of all Minnesota counties is down modestly over the last decade, after adjusting for inflation and growth in the state’s population. The largest portion of this decline is the result of a steep reduction in state aid to counties, which had the...
by lftcrtv | Oct 31, 2016
Among conservatives, Minnesota has a reputation as a high spending, big government state. North Star examined these claims earlier this year and found that state and local government revenues and spending—examined in the property context—were actually fairly typical...
by lftcrtv | Oct 27, 2016
On November 8, voters in 28 school districts will go to the polls to vote on school operating referenda.* As noted in a recent North Star article, a primary cause for the prevalence of operating referenda in Minnesota (all but 3 of Minnesota’s approximately 330 school...
by lftcrtv | Oct 20, 2016
The Fall season is in full swing. Leaves are dropping, there is a chill in the air, and school district referenda are on the ballot. Next month, 32 Minnesota school districts will hold operating referenda, while a number of other districts will hold capital project...
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