Digging a Bigger Hole: Worsening Issues with Broadband Installation Damage in Minnesota
Digging A Bigger Hole by Aaron Rosenthal
Digging A Bigger Hole by Aaron Rosenthal
At 10 PM, a 16-year-old clocked in to their shift. They spent the next 6 hours cleaning a meat grinder with a pressure hose. At 4 AM they clocked out. At 8:50 AM, their school day started. Though this scene may sound like an excerpt from Upton Sinclair’s 1906 novel,...
Minnesota’s economy is under siege after the first month of a chaotic Trump administration. We’re in an on-again-off-again trade war with our closest neighbors, employers are planning “recession-level” layoffs, the Executive Branch is unilaterally canceling contracts...
Cutting Medicaid by Aaron Rosenthal
The number of students receiving taxpayer money for vouchers to attend private or religious schools has surged in the US, growing from 12,000 at the turn of the century to over 1 million today. At the same time, evidence has mounted showing that these vouchers weaken...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to transform the workplace, offering opportunities for innovation while presenting significant challenges for Minnesota’s workers. A recent survey highlights the disconnect between employer expectations and worker experiences:...
Since 2010, five states in the Upper Midwest have been the subject of a political experiment. Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin have generally handed control of state government over to the Republican Party in their effort to recover from the Great...
Red State Blue State by Aaron Rosenthal
The employer-employee relationship is foundational in the US. Labor protections begin with being recognized as an employee. Funding for many social safety net programs comes from employer and employee contributions. That...
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